A community and advocacy group for gifted education in Barrington, IL
Recent Grants Awarded by BCGT
The majority of the funds that we raise through membership and event fees go towards grants for our extended programs and classrooms. This includes academic competitions and events, software, supplies and furniture for classrooms.
BHS Scholastic Bowl
Jeff Price
Supporting the BHS Scholastic Bowl team attend the national competition in Atlanta, GA.
Novel Sets
Edie Jenkins-Rudolf
Advanced novels sets for extended students at Countryside Elementary.
Classroom Technology
Amy Boucek
Expanded previous grant for all BMS extended teachers/classrooms. This will allow multiple students to connect to smartboards simultaneously, eliminating waste of instructional time.
Mission to Mars
Patti Haney
A field trip for the extended-self contained students at Hough to the Challenger Learning Center to participate in the Mission to Mars experience.
Summer Exploratory Kits
Lori Ford
Tools to elicit creativity, scientific thinking, logic/reasoning, and physical movement for extended students at Sunny Hill.
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Previous Grants
Classroom Technology
Amy Boucek
Concurrent learning technology for extended students at Prairie Middle School.
Noetic Math
Vonnie Check
Noetic math competitions for North Barrington.
Tangy Tuesday Puzzles
Michelle Miller
Mathematical puzzles by Greg Tang purchased for the Countryside extended classroom.
STEM Escape Room
Kara Stengren
Digital bundle of Escape Room scenarios on various STEM subjects for middle school extended science students.
Diversity Toolkit
Kelly Haradon & Pamela Katchen
A diversity, equity, and inclusion toolkit to be used with extended students at Lines and Hough.
Various Academic Contests
Lisa Christianson
Various academic contests at Lines Elementary, including Noetic Math, GeoBee, Spelling Bee and WordMaster.
Civics Books
Georgia Nelson/Patti Haney
Last series of books in Civics Education for the ESC Classroom at Hough.
Flexible Furniture
Todd Wiencek
2 modular table/work/desk sections for the extended classroom at Grove Elementary.