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Upcoming Events


Bringing experts to parents, students, and staff to enhance their emotional and social intelligence and develop cognitive flexibility and growth mindset

Career Exploration

Opportunities for students to hear from professions about a variety of careers.  If you are interested in sharing your expertise with our students, please contact us!


In the past, BCGT has held a family game night as well as a kick-off to the school year.  We hope to continue these in-person events as 2021-2022 gets started.

BHS Transition

A panel of Barrington High School students.  A moderated discussion gives current 8th graders insight into how to navigate classes and schedules at BHS.

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All interested are invited to attend

BCGT holds a monthly board meeting in the months of September through May.  If you are interested in joining us, please contact us:

Everyone is welcome to attend the monthly board meetings.

The BCGT board and liaisons meet once a month.  Topics that are typically on the agenda:

  • Update from Jordan Anderson, Director of Learning Services

  • Teacher Grants

  • Upcoming BCGT sponsored events

  • Roundtable discussions about current issues, concerning our gifted students


Monthly Meeting

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